Wisdom of portals and solar plasma!
Several days ago I was guided to post some photographs I took on my way into the Redwoods of California in 2015. It was a place called,...
Conscious water reveals multidimensional beings!
Sacredness is all around us. In nature, when we open our senses to it, we can connect on higher levels of potential with it. I am sharing...
I'm coming out! Not as Gay, Lesbian, Bi or Trans., but as a Galactic Human!
For many years I have been led to places in nature that connect to certain grids or portals on the planet. It is by divine guidance by...
Trees Show Consciousness in Nature!
Living consciously is the doorway to deep connection with any relationship you choose to have. I invite you to walk with me in a forest...
Elvin and Golden Faeries in Tree!
Above Photo: Taken by Laura Walthers in Salem, OR One afternoon I was looking across a field where I live and was told to visit this...
Tree Dryad appears in tree stump with Faerie!
Love the way the faeries take on their form in nature! The tree dryad/spirit in the tree trunk has green eyes made from moss and the...
Healing Sycamore Tree
Last February my friend Shay and I were intuitively called to visit the sycamore trees in downtown Salem. We came upon this amazing 'King...
Larimer and the Faeries - A Bedtime Story Full Audio/Video Book By Laura Walthers
A gift from the faeries for children at bedtime by Laura Walthers - www.beingenchanted.com Years ago I created a children's bedtime...
Faeries in Tree Hollow!
It was an unusually warm winter day in The Northwest. The temperature was around 56 degrees and no wind. I was being called by the forest...
Solar Eclipse 2017 - Aura Camera Reveals Energy Field Through Color
I invite you to witness some amazing photographs. Shay Garrison is an intuitive and an aura reader. She takes photographs of your energy...