New Video Series​ - 5 Episodes
Real Encounters with the Faeries!
~ by Laura Walthers​
Laura Walthers shares her real encounters with faeries. Visual tutorials of never-before-seen photography of the faerie realm and more! Learn how to connect with nature on deeper levels. The photographs hold light codes that activate self-discovery of the wonder in nature and within you!​
Faerie Special!
50% Off Video Streaming
Limited Time Offer​
Episodes 2,3,4, and 5
Only $11 each to stream
before clicking the Green Button below:
Click the green button for free sign-up and view Episode 1 for free. ​​​
​Episodes 2, 3, 4, and 5 are available to stream for
50% off. Only $11 each - for a limited time. ​
​The Enchanted Tree reveals the faerie realm;
faeries/fairies, elves, tree spirits, devas, and more.
​​My book, Life In Nature Revealed:
Real Photographs of Faeries, Gnomes And Elves
reveals the many layers of Faerie that exist in nature. See nature differently and learn how to connect with the faeries and nature beings!
"I just watched the first video. What an absolute joy. I loved it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :-) what a wonderful gift you have
shared with us all."
— Candace,
Nelson, New Zealand
"I have learned so much from Laura and her videos. I highly recommend this series! I want my grandkids and adult kids to see this! I feel that having watched and learned from her it's opened my heart to the Divine in nature. I now see so much more in trees, water, the sky - my spirit has opened up to what truly is. What a lovely truth Laura has opened up for us all."
— Annie, Salem, OR